Sparkling Wines, Tasting Events, The Vegan Guide To..., Vegan Dinner Ideas, Vegan Recipes, Wine and Desserts, Wine and Food

Three Course Dinner with Sparkling Wine Pairings [VEGAN]

In the mood to celebrate? Here's how to put together an incredible vegan dinner party with a reasonable budget: three delicious easy-to-make courses, with vegan-friendly sparkling wines to match!

Rosé Wines, Vegan Dinner Ideas, Vegan Recipes, Wine and Food

Vegan Appetiser: Glazed Beetroot and Herbed Cream Cheese with Rosé

Looking for easy vegan starter ideas that pair well with wines? Bursting with flavour and colour, Beetroot and Cheese Crostini makes an excellent appetiser when planning a vegan dinner party, and matches with a whole host of different wines to boot. 

cava, Pink Sparkling Wines, Rosé Wines, Sparkling Wines, Wine and Food

Cava: Marks and Spencers’ Rosado Brut Cava Vegan-Friendly

I'm warming to Cava at the moment - well, rosé Cava, to be specific! I did a post for Valentine's Day looking at a vegan-friendly Cava from Tesco with a beautiful Trencadis label (read about it here) and have been keen to try another one ever since. For the Easter weekend, I figured it was time for… Continue reading Cava: Marks and Spencers’ Rosado Brut Cava Vegan-Friendly

cava, Organic Wines, Pink Sparkling Wines, Rosé Wines, Sparkling Wines, Wine and Food, Wine of the Month:

Valentine’s Day Pick: Vilarnau Rosé Reserva Cava

Smooth, creamy, bursting with red fruits, this vegan-friendly pink Cava was a great spot in Tesco for under £15. Pink bubbly with a beautiful art-inspired bottle, it was perfect for Valentine's Day!